Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Monster Fish of America

Lurking in the murky depths of the world's great waterways are bizarre giant specimens of such enormous proportion and odd appearance that boggle the mind. the biggest and oldest of North America’s river monsters: the white sturgeon.
The BELUGA STURGEON the largest of the sturgeon family can grow to be 28 feet long and weigh roughly 2,866 pounds. The WHITE STURGEON was once among the largest species on Earth.
The oldest White sturgeon lived to be 106 years old, Scientists reported that the largest white sturgeon weighed1, 799 pounds. The sturgeons are defined as being anadromus since they can survive in both fresh and salt water.
The sturgeon sexually mature until they are 26 years old for female and 22 year old for male, human are the only PREDATOR to adult white sturgeon.     
Population activity and environment
Female Sturgeon can release several million eggs, but they only spawn for four to eleven years at a time, the population of STURGEON in the Kootenai River has only 20 hatching per year survive. Dams have the reason changed the river and impacted the STURGEON.
It’s is estimated that by 30 years future fewer than 50 wild born adult STURGEON will be left.

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